1807 Charleston Slave Hire Badge. CARPENTER. No.22. C. PRINCE in a prepared, rectangular punch on the back. Appearance of Fine to Very Fine in places. Octagonal shaped with nearly equilateral sides. Holed for suspension. 135.1 gns. 54.8 mm. x 58.4 mm. CHARLESTON in a prepared lunate punch at the top. No. in a prepared, square punch, 22 in individual number punches. CARPENTER in a prepared rectangular punch underneath. 1807 in rectangular logotype punch below. Deep brown with traces of verdigris. Surfaces a bit rough in appearance, edge chipped at upper left. Slightly dished, the front bowed towards the viewer, believed to add additional strength to the badge when worn. Extremely rare, this 1807 Carpenter's tag is the earliest one of these seen by the cataloguer and is one of only four badges known to him bearing that occupation.
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