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Browse Catalogue of Stack's October 2006 New York Auction

Limited to: The 71st Anniversary Sale U. S. Silver Dollars U. S. Morgan Silver Dollars
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Categories  •  Stack's October 2006 New York The 71st Anniversary Sale U. S. Silver Dollars U. S. Morgan Silver Dollars
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Lot # Description GradeView our Explanation of Comparative Grading Hammer Price
2898 1878 7 Tailfeathers, Reverse of '78. Gem Brilliant Proof GEM BR PF $6,500.00
1878 7 Tailfeathers, Reverse of '78. Gem Brilliant Proof. The obverse fields could offer a bit more...
The obverse fields could offer a bit more reflectivity, however the color and surface quality are exceptional throughout. A deep suffusion of lavender, sea-green, and delicate golden iridescence highlights both sides. The known population of this rare 7 Tailfeathers Proof is less than half of the more typically encountered 8 Tailfeathers Proofs of this date. In fact, depending upon the references...  more
2899 1878'CC' Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $1,000.00

- a near-Gem. This arresting coin possesses outstanding beauty derived from its stark frosty white devices that stand in bold contrast to its flashing fields with their fascinating blue and russet edging that provide exceptionally colorful eye appeal.
2900 1878'CC' Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $750.00

Attractive gold toning on the reverse, the obverse with multicolor half moon toning. An attractive coin that is sure to please most collectors.
2901 1879 Very Choice Brilliant Proof VERY CH BR PF $2,200.00
1879 Very Choice Brilliant Proof, a whisper from Gem. Colorful concentric bands of iridescent blue...
- a whisper from Gem. Colorful concentric bands of iridescent blue and deep old-gold frame the beautifully frosted devices of Liberty and eagle to give this coin its wonderful visual impact. This near-Gem is certain to add immensely to the quality of any carefully assembled Type or date collection featuring the popular Morgan Dollar.
2902 1879 Very Choice Brilliant Proof VERY CH BR PF $2,500.00
1879 Very Choice Brilliant Proof, a near-Gem of compelling beauty. One of 1,100 Proofs struck, of...
- a near-Gem of compelling beauty. One of 1,100 Proofs struck, of which the late Walter Breen suggested only 650 were actually released. This example boasts a needle-sharp strike measurably bolder than most seen and the most forceful reflective flash radiating from the nearly flawless fields.
2903 1879 Brilliant Proof BR PF $1,300.00
1879 Brilliant Proof, very near full Choice. Glorious clear, deeply glowing rose reliefs appear suspended...
- very near full Choice. Glorious clear, deeply glowing rose reliefs appear suspended over deeply mirrored steel and glass fields. One of 1,100 Proofs struck and an exceptionally beautiful coin by any standard. PCGS has certified only 48 in this pleasing grade. Green label PCGS PR62.
2904 1879'CC' Clear 'CC'. Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $8,500.00
1879'CC' Clear 'CC'. Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated. Totally frosty silver displays the boldest...
Totally frosty silver displays the boldest cartwheel brilliance along with a faint whisper of diffused clear gold on the obverse. Here is a Branch Mint date of considerable scarcity thanks to the U.S. Treasury melts; few appeared in later dispersals of the Treasury holdings.
2905 1879'CC' 'CC' over 'CC'. Brilliant Uncirculated BU $2,400.00
1879'CC' 'CC' over 'CC'. Brilliant Uncirculated and near the Choice category. Frosty silver-white...
- and near the Choice category. Frosty silver-white surfaces offer understated beauty, the obverse showing some very tiny bagmarks. This example of the second rarest Carson City Morgan Dollar coin shows its crudely over-punched 'CC' mintmark with the most remarkable clarity.
2906 1880 Choice Brilliant Proof CH BR PF $2,200.00
1880 Choice Brilliant Proof and enjoying extraordinary aqua-blue, golden and champagne hues that delightfully...
- and enjoying extraordinary aqua-blue, golden and champagne hues that delightfully enrich the glass-smooth surfaces. The underlying fields display subtly glittering reflectivity, and the design elements feature a full measure of mint frost. The released Proof mintage for this date totals 1,355 pieces.
2907 1880'O' Tall 'O'. Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $12,000.00
1880'O' Tall 'O'. Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated. Both the smooth fields and meticulous devices...
Both the smooth fields and meticulous devices of this near-Gem are clothed in delightful satiny mint frost to create outstanding silver-white beauty.
2908 1880'O' Small 'O'. Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $2,400.00
1880'O' Small 'O'. Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated. Delicately gleaming pure silver-white cartwheel...
Delicately gleaming pure silver-white cartwheel lustre saturates both sides of this virtual Gem example, which features a tiny, round New Orleans mintmark.
2909 1880'S' Superb Gem Brilliant Uncirculated SUP GEM BU $500.00

Wonderfully reflective surfaces that exhibit deep iridescent toning on the obverse. The lustre beams off these coin's magnificent surfaces. This coin is certainly one of the prettiest of this date one can hope to find.
2910 1881'CC' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated GEM BU $400.00
1881'CC' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated. Totally frosty silver displays a touch of serene clear golden...
Totally frosty silver displays a touch of serene clear golden toning intensifying at the peripheries.
2911 1881'S' Superb Gem Brilliant Uncirculated SUP GEM BU $500.00

Gleaming blazing white surfaces that are spectacular to view. The lustre is gorgeous and the strike is full. A lovely coin with tremendous eye appeal.
2912 1882 Choice Brilliant Proof CH BR PF $1,800.00
1882 Choice Brilliant Proof. Pure glass-mirror fields demonstrate the most vivid flash along with...
Pure glass-mirror fields demonstrate the most vivid flash along with clear rose-gold in the fields and on the devices with steely gray near the outer rims. The Philadelphia Mint reported 1,100 Proofs struck.
2913 1883 Brilliant Proof BR PF $1,300.00
1883 Brilliant Proof, on the cusp of the Choice category. The deepest mirror gleam shines boldly through...
- on the cusp of the Choice category. The deepest mirror gleam shines boldly through rich peripheral russet toning, highlighting the semi-brilliant devices for bold overall beauty. One of 1,039 Proofs struck, of which NGC has certified exactly 41 examples in the present coin's grade, NGC PF62.
2914 1883'S' Choice Brilliant Uncirculated CH BU $800.00
1883'S' Choice Brilliant Uncirculated. Subtly gleaming cartwheel silver lustre graces an exceptionally...
Subtly gleaming cartwheel silver lustre graces an exceptionally bold strike to assure this example its outstanding appeal.
2915 1883'S' Brilliant Uncirculated BU $5,000.00
1883'S' Brilliant Uncirculated. This magnificently prooflike example appears as if the planchet were...
This magnificently prooflike example appears as if the planchet were chromed prior to application of the ever so frosty devices. A light mark near Liberty's chin is the only distraction worth mentioning on this eye popping beauty. The coin is generally bright white with a touch of smoky golden toning behind Ms. Liberty's bonnet. A beautiful specimen from an issue that is seldom located in higher...  more
2916 1884'S' Brilliant Uncirculated BU $1,000.00
1884'S' Brilliant Uncirculated. Here is an issue that is common in circulated grades, but becomes...
Here is an issue that is common in circulated grades, but becomes nearly impossible to locate in Mint State. Search no more! This specimen radiates frosty mint lustre for a grand look. Pale silver color adds to the wonderful appeal of this rare beauty.
2917 1885'CC' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated GEM BU $900.00
1885'CC' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated. Strong cartwheel silver lustre flashes under the most delicate...
Strong cartwheel silver lustre flashes under the most delicate clear peach-gold toning.
2918 1885'CC' Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $650.00

A near-Gem displaying the brightest cartwheel brilliance with only a couple of obverse bagmarks.
2919 1885'S' Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $180.00

Vivid cartwheel lustre shows some scattered obverse bagmarks, a near-Gem reverse.
2920 1886 Choice Brilliant Proof CH BR PF $2,400.00
1886 Choice Brilliant Proof. Frosty white devices of cameo intensity are dramatized by the delicately...
Frosty white devices of cameo intensity are dramatized by the delicately gleaming gold that intensifies at the crisply defined rims and denticles. One of 1,039 Proofs struck, of which only 43 have been certified by PCGS as Choice. Green label PCGS PR63.
2921 1886'O' Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $1,800.00
1886'O' Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated. Frosty mint lustre dances over the surfaces of this attractive...
Frosty mint lustre dances over the surfaces of this attractive coin. The obverse is toned an attractive golden hue and the reverse is pale silver with just a few touches of golden toning. A lovely coin that is far more attractive than is usually encountered for the issue.
2922 1886'O' Brilliant Uncirculated BU $1,250.00
1886'O' Brilliant Uncirculated and approaching Choice. This sharply struck example of a key New Orleans...
- and approaching Choice. This sharply struck example of a key New Orleans date boasts full lustre and refreshingly few troublesome bagmarks. Here is a pleasing and affordable specimen of a true key date of the Morgan series.
2923 1886'S' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated GEM BU $700.00
1886'S' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated. Luxurious gleaming cartwheel lustre underlies the most exquisite...
Luxurious gleaming cartwheel lustre underlies the most exquisite clear satin gold toning to assure this coin's breath-taking overall beauty.
2924 1887/6 Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated VERY CH BU $950.00
1887/6 Very Choice Brilliant Uncirculated. Deep rose-gold and iridescent blue toning over pleasing...
Deep rose-gold and iridescent blue toning over pleasing surfaces. The strike above average and the lustre is strong. A wonderful example of this popular overdate variety.
2925 1889'CC' Brilliant Uncirculated BU $12,000.00
1889'CC' Brilliant Uncirculated. Here is a bright silver example of this important issue. The strike...
Here is a bright silver example of this important issue. The strike and satiny lustre on this pleasing specimen are quite satisfying. A lovely example of this Carson City rarity that is in much better condition than the well circulated coins that are normally encountered.
2926 1890'O' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated GEM BU $1,150.00
1890'O' Gem Brilliant Uncirculated. Creamy fields with attractive lustre. Some light iridescent toning...
Creamy fields with attractive lustre. Some light iridescent toning is seen about the edge. Some very minor contact marks that do not impair the visual magnificence of this date that is difficult to find in this condition.
2927 1891 Gem Brilliant Uncirculated GEM BU $14,000.00
1891 Gem Brilliant Uncirculated and exhibiting fully frosted devices floating in dazzling, glassy,...
- and exhibiting fully frosted devices floating in dazzling, glassy, mirror-prooflike fields. Irregardless of the stunning lustre that is present on this jewel, the surface quality is far superior to that of the vast majority of the survivors of this date. The design features display only minor inconsequential imperfections, and the fields likewise, are remarkably appealing. This lack of surface defects...  more
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